Good morning and (almost) Happy Easter!

Last weeks in-class training was ‘sorting germs’. Not actual germs, but beanbags of different colours were to be placed (or thrown in many cases) in the hoops of the same colour. After that and actual TkD, the children sat down and spoke about why it was important to throw tissues away after coughing or sneezing in them and how fast germs can travel.

The colouring sheet for this was of Little Dragon blowing his nose and Fraser, your activity sheet isย my favourite this week!

This week and next we are off plan, so no activity sheet will be due in for the remainder of the Easter half term (I may have forgotten this on Saturday!). But if you have nothing to do one day, then a nice colouring sheet is the perfect way to kill some time. I will re-send this to you all at the end of the Easter Holidays.

Have a wonderful time off school and I hope you do some awesome stuff and eat lots of chocolate!


Please remember we are not open on Friday or Monday on the Easter weekend.