Good morning,

I hope your Bank Holiday weekend was fabulous and you’re ready to get going this week.

Thank you to those Little Dragons that have sent me their completed activity sheets. They are brilliant!

The classes last week the children were talking about walking across the road safely.

  1. Looking both ways before crossing.
  2. Listening for cars coming.
  3. Making sure a car has completely stopped before crossing.
  4. Hold your grown up’s hand.

Crossing the road in a safe way is very important for you and the person driving the car. They need to be able to see you, so crossing at the correct spot on the pavement (not behind cars) is just as important as looking before crossing the road.

In Taekwon-Do it is important to look at where your opponent is going to move, you need to be quick to block, punch or kick them before they do the same to you.

Isabella, you’re the winner this week, well done!!