Category Archives: Main Club News

Barton Club

Barton Club Sessions on a Monday & Wednesday each week at our Barton venue. Circle [...]

Hitchin Cadets

Hitchin Cadets Classes in Hitchin for 8-12 year-olds. Come & learn authentic Taekwon-Do! 1st lesson [...]

Hitchin Black Belts

Hitchin Black Belts  Really well attended Black Belt class in Hitchin. Interesting partner work here!

Stevenage Cadets

Stevenage Cadets Calling all parents in the Stevenage area! Taekwon-Do classes for 8-12 year-olds! They [...]

Hitchin Adults

Hitchin Adults  Patterns work at one of our Hitchin adult sessions recently. New members always [...]

Hitchin Cadets

Hitchin Cadets  Calling all Young Warriors in Hitchin! Attention all cadets aged 8-12! Are you [...]

Stevenage Adults

Stevenage Adults Exciting News for Stevenage Adults! Are you ready to kickstart your fitness journey [...]

HSTS Open Squad

HSTS Open Squad Our squad meets every Sunday, but once a month we hold an [...]

Stevenage Cadets

Stevenage Cadets Partner work at one of our Cadet classes recently. Specific sessions for 8-12 [...]

Stevenage Adults

Stevenage Adults Calling adults in the Stevenage area! Taekwon-Do classes are running just for you! [...]