Dear Students/Parents,

The next colour belt grading is fast approaching scheduled for the 9th June, so once again I would like to clarify the grading eligibility, criteria and concept for all but mainly for yellow belts, as this is the first time you need to follow these criteria.

To be eligible to grade from 8th kup (yellow belt) to 1st Degree (black belt) all students must have trained consistently for the period of either 3 or 6 months depending on grade, within these 3 or 6 months each student must have attained either 24 or 48 lessons depending on grade.

The following are the time and lesson requirements for each grade:

Yellow Belts, Green Tags, Green Belts, Blue Tags
3 months of continuous training and 24 attendance lessons

Blue Belts, Red Tags, Red Belts, Black Tags
6 months of continuous training and 48 attendance lessons
(Where it states continuous training, this means, that even if the student has attained the required amount of attendance they must still train regularly for the duration between the grading missed and the next grading).
When booking the grading place please make sure the event can be attended as we have a cancellation policy which can be found HERE.

The grading dates for this year are on the website. We ask that you consider the grading dates for the coming year when organising your other events. We understand that many students have other activities and interests, so you may need to decide what is in your best interest.

Please use the UTA membership system portal to check (, assess and count the lessons required to make sure there will be enough. We count the lessons right up to the day before the grading date.

As well as all day training sessions before every grading to boost your attendance, we have lessons within easy access of all clubs 7 days a week. This should enable every student to fulfil these criteria.

  • All day training on the 1st June can be booked HERE.
  • Grading registration deadline 2nd June 23:00, register now HERE

The concept of grading in Taekwon-Do is the test of the ability and achievements of each individual. Grading shouldn’t be the underlying reason for training, Taekwon-Do students should train regularly and enjoy the development of their journey, not only train to be able to grade. The grading aspect is of course important to give us focus and goals, but should never be used as the only reason for training.

I hope this has given some understanding of the training and grading etiquette within Taekwon-Do. It’s great to see so many people achieving their goals and grading is just one part of the big picture.

Kind Regards

Master Horan

HSTS Chief Instructor

01525 308307