Happy 68th birthday to Taekwon-Do

So many of us owe so much to Gen Choi Hong Hi for changing our lives.
Technically, 1955 signalled the beginning of Taekwon-Do as a formally recognized art in Korea. During that year, a special board was formed which included leading master instructors, historians, and prominent leaders of society. A number of names for the new martial art were submitted. On the 11th of April, the board summoned by Gen. Choi, decided on the name of Taekwon-Do which had been submitted by him. This single unified name of Taekwon-Do replaced the different and confusing terms; Dang Soo, Gong Soo, Taek Kyon, Kwon Bup, etc.”
— ITF Taekwon-Do Condensed Encyclopedia by General Choi Hong Hi